сряда, 8 февруари 2017 г.

Анкета "Здравословно хранене и психично здраве"

     Анкетата беше разработена от френското училище и целеше да изследва доколко учениците спазват принципите на здравословното хранене и какви фактори се отразяват на психичното им здраве. 
     Резултатите бяха обобщени от нашата ученичка Мерилийн Иванова и любезно предоставени на партньорите. Изводите са положителни. Те доказват, че като цяло учащите се са запознати с характеристиките на балансираното хранене и се опитвам да ги прилагат. Проучването беше достатъчно показателно и за менталното здраве на учениците. Подробности четете в резюмето.  

Healthy eating and Mental health Quiz

Summary of results by Meriliyn Ivanova,
PPMG “Akad. Ivan Tsenov”, Vratsa, Bulgaria

The aims of this inquiry is to track how much the students involved in the project Move your body and mind are interested in the topic of healthy lifestyle and if they really know and observe the principles of a balanced diet. The other purpose is to familiarize with the youngsters mental health. The survey was made among students of five countries - Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Spain.

Firstly, we have asked the students about their opinion on the saying “You are what you eat” and 76% of them have answered that they do believe a healthy body goes along with balanced nutrition. Positively, a great number of the participants (46.4%) eat five portions of fruit and vegetables almost every day. It is interesting that the young society which is marked with eating fast food daily has commented negatively on the question of eating unhealthy food - only 43% consume junk food once in a week. As it is clear from the responses, a great 34% would considerably enjoy a balanced diet. The group which has been questioned may be qualified as an adventurous one because of the fact that almost 41% have a desire for trying new healthy foods. It is obvious that the students are familiar with the importance of drinking daily as many glasses of water as possible and more than 78% have marked that they provide their bodies with liquids more than twice a day. The positive answers show that only 39% eat once because of feeling worried or upset but not hungry. The statistics show that a great number of the participants (almost 61%) do not count the calories they consume at all.  Fortunately, over 44% practise sports which is an integral part of leading healthy life, more than twice weekly. The statistic data shows that more than 50% do not let emotions have an effect on the way they eat but stick to having balanced food.

Secondly, we asked the youth about their personal feelings, which have a great impact on health. Almost an equal number of the teenagers (40%) have responded that feelings such as nervousness, anxiety and being on the edge do not occupy a large place in their everyday life – about several days or not at all over the last two weeks. It is indicative that more than half of the young people have stated that they have control on worrying and have not been bothered by it for the last two weeks. The situation is a little different with worrying too much over different things. The statistics show that about 40% have had their mind disturbed for the same reasons for several days. Fortunately, nowadays teenagers feel calm almost all the time and do not have trouble relaxing as it is indicated by 46% of those being inquired. The positive answers show that 54% of the students do not let school worries sway their minds so that they are so restless it is hard to sit still.  The youngsters have been asked whether they become easily annoyed or irritable and the predominant answer which is given by 43% is “several days”. It is indicative how almost half of the participants have not been bothered by feeling afraid as if something awful might happen.

The results of the survey are positive and reflect the fact that the students from the projects do understand that a key to living well is a balance of mind, soul and body.

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